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I'd love to hear from you.  Everyday I get to connect with incredible men and women around the world who are seeking more in their relationships with God, themselves, and others.  Together, we are on the journey to breakthrough to all He has for us.

Liberty Lake , WA


Lisa Newmeyer is a business consultant and relationship prayer coach.  With discernment and wisdom, Lisa applies years of experience and training to empower her clients with new tools for life and a deeper sense of purpose.  Lisa provides teaching in a seminar format, as well as in one on one sessions.  Her clients include businesses looking for new communication and relationship tools for their employees, CEO's and Presidents seeking new wisdom and direction, and men and women pursuing healing, wholeness and breakthough.

Breakthru2u Relationship Prayer Training

Coaching and Events

Lisa offers personal coaching services nationally and internationally.  Her rate is listed below. Additionally, Lisa offers seminars and regular events to engage and teach.  She is also available as a guest speaker.

Breakthru2u Relationship Prayer Training

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Who's Voice Are You Hearing_  RP Training 02.22.14  .png

Breakthru2u Relationship Prayer Training


Relationship Prayer Training:  An opportunity to learn more about hearing God's Voice to grow in your relationship with Him. All day Saturday 2/22/14, space is limited but spots are still currently available. Sign up today by shooting me an email at or giving me a call at 619-405-4886.

Contact Me to Register